From the Author

noneIlmi Ahmad, a professional motivator. Co-founder of PROQUEST. A Blogger fan.
Email me at or, Contact me through Skype: Ilmi Ahmad

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About Me

Ilmi Ahmad
Fikir Rasa : Mengkritik, Memuji, Menegur
Male, Married
October 29
Johor Bahru, Malaysia

My name is Ilmi Ahmad. I am just an ordinary person, just another living human in this world. A Muslim and a Malaysian. Some people say just be yourself, but not for me. I say, be what or who you should be. Back to our fitrah. And our fitrah is Islam. We should live our life with the way of Islam. That is what or who we should be. What I want in this life is only Allah's baraqah and blessing. This life I live is not mine. Everything I have or should have or will have is not really mine. I am just Ilmi. That is what I want to be known. This is all from me.

Businessman, Motivator, Youth Volunteers, Blogger.

Islamic Talks, Business, Community Service and Volunteerism, Blogging, Reading, Cars, Chelsea FC, Motivation Training.

Light and easy listening music, TV Shows: CSI Series, Laverage, The Apprentice, Amazing Race, Naruto, Sinchan, Upin & Ipin, Movies: Bourne Trilogy, Ocean's Trilogy, The Negotiator, US Marshall, Crimson Tide, Transformers Trilogy, Coach Carter, Like Mike, Bujang Lapok Movies, Harry Potter Trilogy, Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, 21, Books: Seteguh Tekad, Nama Beta Sultan Alaudin, 1511H Kombat, Detektif Indigo, Saasatul Ibaad, Advencer Si Peniup Ney, Kekasih Sam Po Bo, Belajar Dari Dua Umar.

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